Sunday, May 16, 2010

School's Out for Summer!

On Friday, Olivia had her very last day of 3-year-old preschool. What a bitter sweet time! My baby is growing up faster and faster, but yeah it is summer break! For the last class, they had a picnic at Rochester Park. Jason brought Olivia and Joey to the picnic and I met up with them during my prep period at school (I couldn't miss Livi's last day at school!) Livi and Joey LOVED running around and playing with all of the kids!

Olivia received her very first report card, and she did a fantastic job! She knew all of her shapes, colors, all but one letter in her name, positional words, could hold her scissors and cut lines, and all of her behavior marks were satisfactory! This summer we need to continue working on her lower case letters/sounds, writing her name, and lengthening her attention span with activities.

It is hard to believe that this August she will be in 4-year-old preschool and then off to Kindergarten...Yikes!

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