Sunday, February 21, 2010


Joey has always been infatuated with Bella's cage and insists on climbing in it and closing the doors. Well the other day Bella was tired of getting kicked out of her bed, so she decided to trade Joey her bed for his chair.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Snuggle Bugs

Here are my snuggle bugs watching a movie together. I hope they can stay this close as they grow up...but we will see!

Shall We Dance?

On Sunday afternoon, Grandma and Jim came over to print their wedding invitations. They also came over to deliver Olivia and Joey's Valentine's. It has become a tradition, that whenever Jim and Olivia are in the same house, they must dance. Jim spins her, twirls her, and just gets her giggling.

"The Best Valentine's Day Ever!"

We had a fun day at the Heiple house on Sunday. We woke up to find that cupid left us each a little something for Valentine's Day. Olivia couldn't wait to investigate what was in her basket and Joey just kept saying "Wow!" They each got books, harmonicas, a movie, recorder, bouncy ball, and a echo microphone.
All afternoon Livi and Joey played and played, and watched their new movies. It was a very musical house as I continously heard the microphones, recorder, and harmonicas being played. They also decided to jam on our piano. Olivia and I also made some heart shaped chocolate chip cookies for our special dessert.

For dinner, I prepared a "fancy" candlelight dinner. We used our wedding china, wedding glasses, and made a nice dinner to celebrate Valentine's Day. Olivia was so proud to be able to use a fancy glass goblet. Even Joey got to use a fancy plate. Livi melted our hearts during dinner by saying that this was the "best Valentine's Day ever" and that she loved us very much. Who could ask for better Valentine's than Jas, Livi, and Joey?

Monkey Love

Aunt Kelly and Uncle Rick sent Olivia and Joey Valentine monkeys for Valentine's Day. They both love playing with their monkeys, but Joey is infatuated with it. His monkey makes kissing sounds, and he loves to walk around with it, and give it hugs and kisses. He is such a snuggler!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

We hope you have a fun and safe Valentine's Day! We love you!

Two and Four?...How did that happen?

A week ago I brought Livi and Joey to Target for their 2 and 4 year old pictures. I can't believe that Joseph is already two and Livi is a year and a half from is that possible?

Jason and I were watching 19 Kids and Counting (the story of the Duggar family) the other night when they showed the birth of their 19th child, Josie. For those who don't know, Josie was born at 25 wk gestation, weighing 1 lb. 6 oz...remind you of anyone? I have to say, watching that episode brought back SO many memories of fear, hope, sadness, joy, etc. I was brought to tears several times by all of the memories flowing back...and now look at our precious boy!

Enjoy the pictures...I apologize for some of the darkness and crookedness, I scanned quickly :)