Christmas 2008 was a wonderfully busy holiday! It started out at home on Christmas Eve night. We went to the children's mass at our church a

nd then came home to a delicious dinner served by my chef of a husband. Then Olivia and Joseph began to prepare for Santa's big arrival. First thing, of course, they placed baby Jesus in our manger (since it was his birthday), and then they set out a big plate of cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer, oh and of course a big glass of milk. Then daddy and Olivia popped a some popcorn and watched a little t.v. Finally, Olivi and Joseph got nestled snug in their beds, for a long winter's nap, so visions of Minnie Mouse and rattles could dance in their heads.

On Christmas morning, Olivia and Joseph woke up at 6:30 in the morning ready for presents. They received a special thank you note from Santa for the cookies, carrots, and milk. Olivia absolutely LOVED opening presents. This year she opened her presents, along with Joseph's, mommy's, and daddy's. I think her favorite presents from Santa were her castle tent, her toolbox (she loves to help daddy with projects), her dance and twirl Little People castle with horse and carriage, and Barbie movies. She also got a lot of clothes, and she has been wanting to wear all of her new outfits.

Once all of the presents were opened and messes were cleaned up, we packed up the sleigh and headed to Grandma and Grandpa Heiple's house. As soon as we got there present unwrapping began. Once again Olivia opened her presents along with Joseph's and mommy's. Livi and Joseph got a lot of nice toys and clothes. The best gift th

ey got was play time with their cousins Kolbe, Samuel, and Lukie. They were exhausted after watching and chasing after the boys! Then later in the evening Grandma and all of her grandchildren (except Joseph, he was napping) made Jesus a birthday cake. It has become a Christmas tradition, that may I add, Olivia loves (especially when she gets to lick the batter off the spoon)!

On Friday, we took a step back from Christmas and attended a funeral for Jason's grandmother "Grammy." Grammy was a wonderful woman who lived a very full life. About a week ago God took her home which was exactly where she wanted to be. This was the second grandma we lost this year. Grandma Tigue passed away this summer unexpectedly. Both grandmas loved their grandchildren and their

great-grandchildren. I am sorry to say that Joseph never had a chance to meet them in person, but grammy and grandma both had pictures of him and prayed like the dickens for him. May God bless grandma and grammy! It makes me feel better knowing that we have two very special guardian angels looking over us!

After the funeral services, we packed up the sleigh again and headed towards my mom's house. We were able to spend some time with my brother, mom, her boyfriend Jim, and my aunt and uncle. Livi and Joseph once again exhausted themselves playing with

everyone, but they loved every minute of it. We opened presents in which Olivia kept circling around, opening everyone's presents for them. Eventually she got pooped out!
Finally on Saturday, we headed back home with our sleigh packed full of presents. We got home and unpacked just in time for Grandpa and Pattie to come down for a visit. We sat down to a nice turkey dinner and were able to visit for awhile

. We were celebrating both grandpa's birthday and Christmas. After dinner, we opened (or should I say Olivia opened) our last Christmas presents for 2008. Olivia really enjoyed playing with grandpa and Pattie.
This Christmas the Heiple family has so much to be thankful for. Our two beautiful children and the miracles God worked with Joseph. Jason and I's strong marriage that has definitely had many challenges to overcome. Our family and friends who prayed for us, helped and supported us this year when we truly needed a helping hand. Not to mention our beautiful house and all that it holds and our jobs that help us support our family. God is good...God is great!
With this being the last blog for 2008, I will close by wishing all of you all the best in 2009! My God bless you and your families with good health, safe travels, and may all your prayers be answered!
Happy New Year!
The Heiples
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