Saturday, March 5, 2011

Computer Experts

To this day Olivia and Joey amaze me with their technology knowledge. I know that it is the way of life these days, but I am ashamed to say that my 5 and 2 year old children know how to maneuver my iPhone better than me!

A couple of weeks ago I bought Olivia a new phonics computer game that she and Joey love to play. It reviews letters, sounds, rhyming words, and introduces new vocabulary. Everyday, while I am tutoring, they get to play the game for about 10-15 minutes. I can't believe how she can play this game by herself without ANY assistance from me!

1 comment:

The Viravec Family said...

Zach thinks my iPad is his and knows so much about it! Playing his games, getting his songs turned on, watching short disney movies, etc. Just amazing!