I was told last night by my mom that it has been awhile since I updated our blog. I have to admit I was on a blogging hiatus, but life has been busy. Over the past few weeks we have had birthdays, Valentine's Day, deaths in the family, wedding showers, illness, and I was packed at school with evaluations, portfolios, field trips, literacy nights, and just teaching. I am happy to say though, that we can finally slow down and take a breath. This weekend is dedicated to staying at home, catching up on much needed house work, relaxing, and playing. Here are a few pics from the last several weeks that are too cute to leave out...

Snuggling at home

Guy time at the park with daddy while Livi is at school
Finally seeing birds up close

Another Olivia fashion statement...too darn cute for words!

Quiet time with Grandma Heiple

Joey needed to blow his nose...and so did Minnie!

In Olivia's words "belaxing" at home

Giving Ollie and Bella some "tummy yum yums"

Trying on mommy's shoes
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