Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We hope you all had a relaxing and fun holiday! It was a busy Thanksgiving week at the Heiple house! On Monday, we had some visitors stay with us. Rob, Jess, Kolbe, Samuel, Luke, and Abe (our sister, brother, and nephews) came for a sleepover. Olivia and Joey loved spending time with their "cousins" (as Olivia called them). They played outside, played the Wii, and on Tuesday, they went to the Lincoln Museum.

On Wednesday, we traveled up to Metamora to celebrate with the Heiple clan. This year we celebrate Thanksgiving with the Heiples and Christmas with the Dressler/Sennotts. So while we were up north for Thanksgiving we also celebrated Christmas. As always, everyone was VERY generous and Livi and Joey got a lot of great presents!
On Friday, Olivia, Joey and I decorated our house for Christmas. Livi LOVES to decorate and Joey LOVES to undecorate. Then Friday night, after Jason got off work, we went out and got our Christmas tree. Livi and Joey had fun decorating it. Joey kept saying "WOW" with every ornament and was "helping" to put them on. This year it was Joey's turn to put the star on top of the tree. To our surprise he was afraid of the star and had daddy do most of the work. Once the star was on the tree, we were officially done decorating and could sit back, relax, and admire our work!...and quickly fall asleep from the exhaustion of the week.
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