This was Olivia's third time at Indiana and Joey's first time. It turned out to be a great week. We only had one rainy day and one cool day, the rest of the time it was in the mid 80's...perfect weather for the pool and beach. During the day Jason and I would take Livi and Joey to the pool or beach, and then in the evening we would go for a walk on the boardwalk, ride rides, get a dessert, and then return to the cabin for games and bed. Unfortunately, Jason had to leave early, but Olivia, Joey, and I got to stay till Sunday and ride home with Mom and Jim.
We send out a BIG thank you to Grandma and Grandpa for the great week in Indiana, for the cabin, all of their generosity, and delicious meals. Thank you also to Kelly and Rick, Mark and Jay, Mom and Jim for delicious meals and for loving (spoiling) Olivia and Joseph all week...(we are detoxing now :) )
Here are some pictures of our week...
Fun in the sun at the pool, splash park, and beach...if you notice most of these pictures have Jason and Jim in the water. The water was a bit chilly and Jas, Jim, Kelly, and Rick were the brave ones in the bunch. Mom and I braved it a couple times.
Riding rides...Joey was a big boy and rode on the cars, "horsies," motorcycles, train, and the big ferris wheel! Olivia rode on anything that she could
Back at the cabin...this first picture was proof that Grandpa Sennott would do anything for Olivia...Go Cardinals!!!
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