This month Joseph had his 6 month NICU check up and his 6 month therapy check up. We had very positive reports from both. The NICU said that he was in the low normal developmental range (he was below normal/at risk at his last check up) and said that he looked great. He was at 60% for his head size, 95% for his length/height, and 50% for his weight (last time he wasn't on the charts). Joey's Occupational and Physical Therapists are VERY impressed with his progress and stated he needed a little more help with his gross motor skills. They stated that if he continues to progress like he has been, he should be done with therapy by 2 yrs. old!
Some of the new tricks in Joey's bag are speed crawling (man that kid can glide across the floor), pulling up to his feet, scaling up windows, people, cabinets (in which he opens and empties), and walking along furniture (this is his newest trick). Over vacation, Joseph also found a way to fall over the side of the crib (Mr. Houdini himself would have been impressed because Joey does not climbed yet).
Joey officially has 6 teeth now and has graduated to eating Goldfish, french fries, and Ritz crackers!
As always we thank the good Lord everyday for this miracle boy! He keeps us on our toes, but we love every minute of it!
(Obviously) I CAN'T Keep Up With the Kutschers
6 years ago