Lately, we have been focusing on Joseph's physical development and trying to get him moving. In January, at our NICU follow up, they noted that Joey was a little bit delayed in some of his milestones. They obviously take in account his stressful start in life and his double brain bleed, but would like to see him moving along more. Joey is 10 months old (7 months corrected) and is still struggling with sitting up, has arm weakness, l

eg weakness, and is no where close to crawling. We have enrolled him in both cognitive and physical therapies. They will come every week to work with Joseph and then we will work on his "homework" lessons when the therapists aren't here. Everyone keeps telling us that by the time Joey is 2, we will not notice gaps in his abilities compared to other 2 yr. olds.
Tonight, to our amazement, Joseph decided that he was going to be a big boy. He sat up by himself for long periods of time, balancing

himself if he reached for a toy. He also decided he would start holding his bottle all by himself. He was very proud of his new tricks!
1 comment:
Keep up the good work Joseph!
We love you,
Grandma and Grandpa Heiple
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