This Valentine's Day was one for the books. The entire Heiple family has been cooped up inside all week, including Valentine's Day with colds. The kids are still fighting viral pneumonia and Jason and I are fighting who knows what. I tell ya, when you get a virus this winter, it is REALLY tough to get rid of it. I am happy to say that Olivia seems to be on the up swing of it, and Joey is fighting hard to recover. Praise God that he has been putting his healing touch on Livi and Joey...as everyone knows, pneumonia is nothing to play around with. Jason and I are hopefully on the road to recovery, the strep virus just does not want to let go of us. We also had Bella scheduled to go in to get spayed this week, which added to the load.

On the positive side, we have had A LOT of family time this week, including on Valentine's Day. In the morning, Olivia and Joey had Valentine's to open. Then Jason, Olivia and Joseph surprised me with a beautiful 3 diamond Mother's ring! I absolutely love it! In the afternoon, grandma Dressler and Jim came over with another Valentine surprise for Olivia and Joseph. I tell ya, Cupid was awfully good to the Heiple clan. Finally, in the evening we surprised Jason with a candlelight Valentine's dinner. Olivia insisted that we dress up for the occassion.
On Monday, grandma Heiple came down to visit (she braved the house of germs). She stayed with Olivia and Joey while Jason a

nd I went on a date. We went out to lunch an

d a movie. It was a belated Valentine's date. We also went out and bought a video camera so we can video tape the kids and add those to our blog. So stay tuned for future videos!
We hope everyone had a fun and romantic Valentine's Day!