Saturday, August 13, 2011

Happy Anniversary Fun Shop

This week the Heiple clan went to Lincoln Park for the Funshop Anniversary celebration. Fun Shop is a local pre - preschool program for children 18 months - 3 years old. Olivia attended Fun Shop shortly after Joey came home from the hospital as a way to give her more mommy one-on-one time. Joey attended the program last year to give him more socialization with other children. Livi and Joey LOVED going Fun Shop every week and having mommy's full attention!

The Fun Shop's 35th Anniversary celebration was a lot of fun. It was held out at Lincoln Park, and pretty much took up the whole park. They had all kinds of games, face painting, trucks/cars for the children to explore, jump houses, entertainment, food, swimming, ice skating, and much more! Livi and Joey absolutely loved it! I think their favorite part, though, was when they met Elmo in person. Livi still talks about how she met Elmo in person, and gave him a hug...too cute! It was a wonderful night out!

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