Sunday, April 17, 2011

Thank you Miss Lynn, You are the Best!

This week we sadly had to say good-bye to Miss Lynn, Joey's Developmental Therapist. Lynn has worked with Joey since he was 9 months old, and he has grown very fond of her. Every
Wednesday Joey would see Miss Lynn's car pull up and he would yell "Miss Lynn" and then run to the living room and sit down in the middle of the floor (where they had therapy). He loved working with her and playing with her. Lynn loved our little boy and was an amazing advocate for him. She was also wonderful with Olivia, and allowed her to participate in a lot of therapy activities. Thank you Lynn for all that you have done for our family and our little boy, you will be greatly missed!

As a thank you, Joey, Livi, and I made a flower pot. Joey made flowers with his hands, and Livi made a butterfly. It turned out great!

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