Well in my last blog I stated that I was really feeling "blah" the past two weeks and we couldn't find anything wrong. On Monday, I had a breath of fresh air and actually felt good. That was the calm before the storm. You know when you are in a hurricane and you get to the eye of the storm and see a small glimmer of sunlight, Monday was my glimmer of light. On Tuesday I began to get a scratchy throat. I still felt pretty well but could tell something was coming. On Wednesday, I had the rawest throat I have ever had in my life! Then Thursday came and I could barely swallow due to the pain, not to mention the pounding headache. Joey was also starting to act a little fussy, had a stuffy nose, and matted eyes. So Jason, Livi, Joey, and I all took a trip to Express Care. The good news is that Joey is 18lbs. 28 1/2in. long now, but the bad news is that he had the beginning stages of a sinus infection and I was diagnosed with strep throat. I have never had this before in my life and never want it again...ouch! So far Olivia has no signs of illness and Jason had a scratchy throat, but feels it is going away.
Although strep throat is horrendous, it has given me more time at home with my family. Mom and Jim braved the germs and came over Thursday night to help me with the kids. God bless mom and Jim, mom caught us up on some much needed house work and Jim shoveled the snow and fixed our sink. On Friday, I felt about 60% better; Joey and Livi had cabin fever; so we ventured over to Jim's house and hung out and had a pizza party (note: pizza is not very good on a sore throat). Joey had two big milestones during this trip. He rode in his big boy carseat for the very first time and loved it; and he had his first breadstick and loved that too! Although I don't enjoy being sick, I have really enjoyed the extra time with my family.