Since Joseph came home, Jason and I have been really relaxed with our weekly updates, and I have felt like we have left Olivia out of the loop. To help correct both problems, we started this blog to help keep everyone up-to-date with the Heiple clan. We also want to keep you involved with the kids' lives as they grow and change. Everyday I am taken back by how quickly Olivia and Joseph are changing and getting bigger. If only we could tip the hourglass so time would stop going so fast.
This week Olivia was her busy 2-year-old self. She is really enjoying staying home with Daddy, Joseph, Ollie, and Bella. She went to school on Wednesday, and it was Dora day. She LOVES school!!! She actually begins to cry when we come together as a group to sing our good-bye song. School is just a special time for her to explore and have mommy all to herself for a couple of hours. Last night we measured her to be about 29lbs. and about 3 1/2 ft. tall.

Joseph had a rough start to his week. He received his first of many RSV shots...ouch! This week will not be much better because he will receive his immunizations and flu shots...double ouch! On the positive side, he went to Dr. Johnson (his pulmonary specialist) and received a good report. Dr. Johnson wants us to keep doing what we are doing and said Joseph will be off of the oxygen by Christmas (as long as all continues to go well). Joseph was also measured this week and he is 11 1/2 lbs. and 23 1/2 in. long.

Olivia and Joseph aren't the only two growing leaps and bounds in the house, I think Bella has doubled her length since she joined our clan. She and Ollie are two peas in a pod. They eat together, sleep next to eachother, and play outside almost all day together. Olivia loves her! She treats Bella like one of her dolls.

Jason and I are keeping busy as always. During the week we usually see eachother on the passing as I come home from work, and he leaves for work; but we do get some quiet time together when the kids go to bed :). We really enjoy the weekends when he comes home early in the evening and we can eat dinner as a family.
Well I think this was the first of many successful logs! We will try to be dedicated to at least one new blog a week with pics, but no promises :)
All our love and blessings!!!
Kris - great idea...nice blog site.
Hi Kristen, Nice blog! Thanks for keeping in touch. Of course, Rick and I would love some new hard pictures to put on our desks!
We're enjoying your new blog site. Olivia and Joseph are growing so fast. We look forward to checking it out next week.
Gary & Marie
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