This weekend the Heiple clan was busy! On Friday night, Livi, Joey, and I worked hard to put together treat bags for their class. We volunteered to help out with each party, and it worked out nice that we were asked to do treat bags for both classes. So we made up 27 treat bags...which Livi and Joey LOVED doing!

On Saturday, we woke up and cleaned up the messes from Friday night...BIG messes, and then Olivia had play practice for a couple of hours in the afternoon. Joey and I took the opportunity to go run errands and then come back in time to pick Jason and Livi up, and then went to see The Muppets at the movie theatre. It was a great show, and Livi and Joey are still singing some songs from it! After the movie, we hit the road and headed down south to Belleville. Jas and I took Livi and Joey to the mall to walk around and soak in the Christmas craziness, and then we went to Our Lady of Snow Christmas light display. The last time we went there I was eight months pregnant with Olivia, so it had been awhile. It is such a pretty light display with tons of activities to do!

After viewing the Christmas lights, we wearily headed home and crashed in our beds. It was so nice to have a family day out!