Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy Easter...a week late!

Easter was a fun yet hard holiday for the Heiple clan this year. The week before Easter Joey started to run a low grade fever and get a little congested. We didn't think it was very serious, so we let it go for awhile. Then on Friday Joey started having green goop in his eyes along with everything else, so I decided to bring him in to Express Care. Come to find out he had a double ear infection, sinus infection, and pink eye...over achiever! We started him on an antibiotic and he did fine. On Friday night, I woke up sick to my stomach and then started with the wonderful cold that Joey passed on to me. On Sunday, Easter, Olivia started to feel bad at the very end of the day and into Monday, and then Jas got it Monday night and he is still fighting fun!

Despite all of the illness, Easter turned out to be a very nice day. On Saturday, Grandma and Grandpa Heiple came down to spend the day with us. We celebrated Grandpa's birthday, went to a movie, and had a nice dinner. On Sunday, we drove up to El Paso for Easter Mass, then headed to Great Grandma and Grandpa Sennott's house for a delicious brunch, Easter egg hunt, and some quality family time. Then we ended the day with a nice dinner with Grandpa Dressler. Livi and Joey were spoiled rotten with all of the Easter goodies, but they loved every moment of it!

A big thank you to everyone for a fun Easter day, and for all of our Easter goodies.

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