Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day, Father's Day, Anniversary, and Birthday!

On Sunday the Sennott clan got together to celebrate Memorial Day, Father's Day, Grandpa Sennott's and Uncle Jake's Birthdays, and Kelly and Rick's Anniversary. It was quite a celebration, but we wanted to get everything in before Kelly has her surgery this Thursday, and because it is so hard finding a time to get everyone together!

It was a great day, and Livi and Joey loved playing with everyone. Unfortunately Joey wasn't feeling well, but he still had a great time.

Thank you to Kelly and Rick for opening their house to everyone! Please keep Kelly in your prayers for a successful surgery on Thursday!

We love you Kelly and we know everything will go great!

Summer Kick Off Weekend

This weekend Livi, Joey, and I went up to Bloomington to spend the weekend with Aunt Kelly and Uncle Rick. Last year we started the summer off with a weekend in Bloomington and it is becoming a tradition.

This weekend we headed up to Bloomington on Friday after Olivia's soccer game. We got to Bloomington just in time for baths, a little visit time, and then bed. On Saturday we woke up, had a little breakfast, and then headed to the Miller Park Zoo. There was a threat of rain in the afternoon, so we thought it was best to do the outside activities first. So we walked through the zoo and saw all of the animals. It was the perfect time to walk around because all of the animals were out eating and in rare form. The sea lion was talking rather loudly (which scared Joey), the monkey were out playing and one of them kept following Olivia all around it's cage. Livi and Joey had a lot of fun.

After the zoo we headed to the splash park. Unfortunately the weather was pretty cool so Livi and Joey could not play in the water, but they had fun playing on the play set. From the park, we headed to the mall to eat lunch at my favorite place, Great Steak. They make a delicious ham and pineapple sandwich! Unfortunately we do not have a Great Steak in Springfield, so I always treat myself to one when we go to Bloomington!

Saturday night, Livi, Joey, and I met Dad and Patty for dinner at Outback Steak House. It was really nice catching up with them and having a delicious dinner! Then after dinner, Kelly and Rick met us at Barnes and Noble so we could relax, have dessert, and read (our favorite things in the world)! On the way home, we stopped by to visit our good friends Debbie and Jane. Olivia desperately wanted to go and say hi, so we were sure to make that happen.

Thank you Kelly and Rick for inviting us down for our summer kick off! We had a great time and loved spending time with you! We love you!

Summer Nails

This weekend Olivia visited the "Heiple Nail Salon" and got her "summer nails." We found this fun nail polish at the store and we really wanted to try it.

I have to say, having a little girl is so much fun! Just to have days when we can do our hair, do our nails, go shopping, have a "date lunch," and so much more. I will cherish every moment I get to share with Livi, because they just fly by too fast!

Soccer Shots

Olivia has really enjoyed playing soccer this spring. Sadly she only has one game left! I think that Olivia has decided to play again this fall. She will have the opportunity to play two more seasons with the RYAA and then she will move on to the UIS competitive teams. We will see what she decides!

Schools out for Summer!

On Thursday Joey celebrated his last day of school. We have been so blessed to have Mrs. Pucetti and Mrs. Scribner work with Joey this year. They are two amazing women who love our little boy and always find his strengths. They are also very strong advocates for him and make sure he gets all the help that he needs. We really appreciate their patience with Joey as he acclimates to school and the classroom. Joey is already looking forward to returning in August!

Beatin' the heat

Last weekend it got pretty hot and humid around here. I am being stubborn and trying very hard to keep the air off at least until June. So to beat the heat I took out Livi and Joey's new swimming pool and let them play. They loved it!

Olivia's 2011 Spring Soccer Team

Olivia's 2011 Spring Soccer Team

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Livi's Preschool Program

This week, our little girl graduated from Preschool. On Wednesday, they had the end of the year program, and it was adorable. It was a cute play about Noah's Ark and Miss Olivia was a llama. They sang a few songs and at the end, everyone received a Preschool Certificate. I can't believe our little girl is officially a Kindergartner now! She is growing up so fast!